Welcome to

The Protein Forge

About Us

We are a biotech start-up, based in Oxford, UK, engineering proprietary protein-based technology to produce innovative new therapies. 

Our technology has the potential to deliver enhanced vaccines and other therapeutics, and we are committed to advancing it in order to help people around the world lead healthier lives.

Our first development programme produced a novel vaccine platform and we are currently exploring the use of related technology for novel oncology therapeutics. Our protein lattice systems offer the potential for targeted drug delivery, binding selectively to  cells and reducing side effects.

What We Do

Founded in 2021, we are a team of protein engineers combining our know-how and experience with recent developments in AI to produce exciting new therapeutic platforms. 

In 2022, a government-funded SBRI R&D contract allowed us to expand our team and invest in our Oxford-based research and development capabilities. 

Building on existing IP,  we are enhancing our core technology with AI-guided protein design. As this transformative technology continues to mature, we aim to secure a position at the forefront of the sector.

Copyright 2024  - The Protein Forge Ltd.